I also added a section on the sidebar entitled "Priority Prayer Requests"... many of our faithful friends and family want to know how to pray for Noah more specifically and this seemed like the easiest way to share those requests.
Finally, a HUGE thanks to the Cobbs and the Fitterers for going above and beyond the call of duty by sending us some Bandana's Sweet and Smoky BBQ sauce and Zia's sweet Italian dressing (which I was dreaming about in my earlier food fantasy post). Thank you for making us feel so loved and cared for!!
I hope that you also received the Super Smoker's BBQ Sauce. It may not be Bandana's but it is one of my favorites. We miss you guys.
Uhm, yeah... don't get too excited when your box comes in the mail soon =( I am loser because I bought the stuff before you ever blogged about it and just took forever to send it. Well, at least I guess you'll be stocked up on the stuff. And it was a great chance to send Noah a new toy. Love you, D
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