Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Lauer Tour of Birmingham Hotels

With Noah in the PICU again, we have returned to our tour of Birmingham hotels.  

(Thanks to everyone who suggested the Ronald McDonald House... we actually used the Ronald McDonald Family Room back in St. Louis when Noah had his first hospital stay and it was fabulous.  They have a brand new RMH here in Birmingham, but it has been completely full since we arrived.  The other option given to us by the social workers is a coupon for a discount at the "Medical Center Inn".  I looked up this "Inn" online and the first review I found was "clean but creepy" at which point I looked at Josh and said "I don't think so.")

Our first two nights (Fri & Sat) we needed as little stress as possible and wanted to be close... we stayed at the DoubleTree downtown.  Very nice hotel with big, soft towels.  The TV was not so great and the internet cost $10.  (I am firmly of the belief that free internet is one of my inalienable rights.)

Our third night (Sun) things were calming down so we moved a little farther away from the hospital and stayed at a Drury Inn.  Free internet and breakfast were desirable perks but the bed was definitely not as comfortable as the previous two evenings.  Lousy towels.  

The came our two night stay (Mon & Tues) in Noah's hospital room in 5 tower.  See the chair-bed picture... it tells the whole story.  I won't even describe the bathroom.

After Noah's surgery yesterday, he headed back to the PICU for the night (more to follow on that later) so we once again sought out a room to sleep in.  Pavlina hooked us up with the Birmingham Southern University rate at a Comfort Inn (close to the Drury from Sun. night).  Better breakfast than the Drury Inn... partly because the woman who managed the breakfast area treated it like her own kitchen and welcomed us warmly into it.  Free internet again, although I fell asleep to quickly to use it to update the blog.  

It looks like Noah will be in the ICU again tonight... and we have decided it probably is a good night to head back to T-Town to Chez Lauer and visit our tempurpedic mattress.  Clothing supplies are dwindling again and a load of fresh laundry will carry us through the weekend.

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The Lauer Family